A Grant Writer’s Playbook for Success

Ever feel like you’re stuck on the sidelines of grant writing? You need a grant writer’s playbook to ensure your success! Picture this: You jump into the game, using the same template for all potential funders, only to be hit with a wave of rejection letters. Now you’re on the bench wondering, “What gives?” You need a grant writer’s playbook. That is to say, a soldi game plan to help you win grants. GrantWriterTeam is here to coach you with game-changing advice. To begin, kick things off with a legitimate need and an achievable goal. Then, find the perfect funder with a mission to match. And finally, lay out a rock-solid grant proposal. Grant review committees review many applications flooding in for every single grant, and they’re looking for the applications that stands out. Why not ditch the generic approach and give your proposal the boost it needs? After all, you want to win the grant, don’t you?

Grant Writer’s Playbook

The Kick Off

It starts with an idea to fill a need in your community. This idea is what you need to develop and guard; it’s the prize you must protect. To that end, for this idea to take shape and manifest as a cause, it needs a catalyst (a game-changer, if you will). It needs to be solution-based, meaning all of your organization’s efforts must go to solving the outlined issue. Grant funders tend to fund causes that have measurable results on the communities and individuals they serve. That said, does your idea have the potential to make a substantial difference in the lives of real people? If it does, you’re one step closer to the goalpost.

The Dream Team

Bring on the dream team. Your organization has a cause and the grant funder has a mission. Working together, you can actually become the game changer. When your cause mirrors your funder’s mission, you’re playing on the same field with shared goals and strategies. However, that teamwork changes everything, because, suddenly it’s no longer a game of chance. Now, it’s a strategic play; one that results in achieving the ultimate goal. And that goal, of course, is to help people.

A New Playbook

Want to know what makes grant reviewers lean in and take notice? Here’s the real game changer: they love it when a proposal shouts three things loud and clear. Consider that your application is your playbook for success. First, show them you understand what the funder is all about. Build a moral bridge between yourself and your funder by truly understanding and supporting their mission. Second, paint a picture showing how your project is a total win for both your organization and the funder. And, last but not least, prove that you care. Follow their rules to the letter. Lay out the facts just the way they need them. Cover costs, matching donations, in-kind goods and services, and a really detailed budget. But, most importantly, demonstrate how your project lines up with their grant-making priorities. Hit these marks, while maintaining a sense of engagement through your narrative, and you might just be the favored proposal they root for.

The Final Play By Play

To conclude, grant writing can feel like sitting on the sidelines until you get that winning combination that helps you get in the game. The folks at GrantWriterTeam hope our extended football metaphor has amused you and supplied the game-changing advice that will ultimately help you secure grant funding. However, all goofiness aside, the advice is solid. Grant reviewers love proposals that show understanding, paint a win-win scenario, and follow the rules meticulously. Your proposal, or playbook, designed with these principles, could make your proposal the favored contender on the field.

About GrantWriterTeam 

Are you a nonprofit or small business in need of some help? If you are searching for grants but are feeling overwhelmed, hiring a grant writer may be the perfect choice for you! Grant writers thoughtfully grant opportunities and consider the pros and cons of applying and the chance of success. Consider your writer an extension of your organization. They will coach you throughout the entire process and curate the project to fit your needs. Your grant-seeking success is our priority at GrantWriterTeam.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that grants will be awarded as a result of this information.