How Your Grant Writer Payment is Protected

GrantWriterTeam connects grant seekers with professional grant writers. One of the key features of this service is its payment portal. This system protects both the client and the grant writer. Below, we’ll be discussing how this system works.

Deliverable System

When you hire a grant writer, you do not pay everything upfront. Instead, GrantWriterTeam bases its system on “deliverables.” Your writer request is broken down into sections and you pay each portion (known as a deliverable) as it is completed.

Your writer request will be broken down into “deliverable” portions.

Once the work is completed by the writer for the set deliverable, the grant writer will upload their work. Then the grant seeker must pay before they can download it. This cycle will then continue until the writer completes all deliverables. This method helps to protect both you and the grant writer.

Paying Your Deliverables

All payments must be made through the secure portal on Under no circumstances should you make a payment outside this portal.

1) To make a payment, log in to your GrantWriterTeam account.
2) Click on the tab ‘My Writer Requests’.
3) Click on the button ‘Deliverable List’ and then continue to the blue button that reads ‘Pay Now’.
Need help? Watch this short tutorial video. 

If you have any questions or experience any issues, do not hesitate to reach out to the support team.